退休警察汤姆(塞缪尔•杰克逊 Samuel L. Jackson 饰)开了一家专门替人家清理犯罪现场的公司,主要工作就是在血案发生后帮助被害人家属料理后事。这工作虽然污秽琐碎,但是他却从中总结出了生意经。他和聪明乖巧的女儿相依为命。母亲因故去世令女儿特别依赖父亲。每次他夜不归宿,女儿都会忐忑不安。
在一次清理血案现场的工作后,他遇到了被害人的妻子(伊娃•门德斯 Eva Mendes 饰),赫然发现过去同事(艾德•哈里斯 Ed Harris 饰)在办案中存在漏洞,而自己却间接成了帮凶。当初,就是因为
Francesca always attracted weirdos. When one of her stalkers is found dead, she looks for comfort from her best friend, Maxi. Meanwhile, Maxi’s grandfather, Jack, a disgraced Rabbi, comes across a reclining chair containing a Dybbuk inside. Jack and his
欧伯利(约翰·李·米勒 Jonny Lee Miller 饰)从小生活在穷困的环境之中,然而,这并未能湮灭他对于单车运动的热爱。在妻子安娜(劳拉·福拉塞尔 Laura Fraser 饰)和好友马尔基(比利·博伊德 Billy Boyd 饰)的支持和鼓励下,欧伯利拥有了他人生中的第一辆改造单车,他亲切的称呼它为“古老的信徒”。
带着这辆单车,欧伯利来到了挪威的室内赛车场参加比赛,并且立刻打破了那里已经维持了十年之久的记录。,因此而结实了一生的对手和挚友克里斯(Adrian Smith 饰)。可是,没
Cecilia and Emma were tween-age BFFs who were going to grow old together and never let anything come between them, until Alex arrived on the scene. Twelve years later, Cecilia is a successful social media influencer living the dream of an independent, mo
Carol Jeffries (known as 'Jeff') is a naive American woman staying in the Phillipines. She is given ten years in prison after being set up by her drug-dealer boyfriend, Rudy. She endures the harsh conditions, sadistic head matron and attempts o