The story revolves around a new female college student in a dormitory filled with mysterious occurrences due to the awakening of a demon through an incantation and curse that still holds a connection to her own past.
Por un puñado de besos cuenta la historia de una chica, Sol, que tiene que rehacer su vida y decide hacerlo emprendiendo una historia de amor. Pone un anuncio para buscar al chico ideal, se citan y, desde el primer momento, se enamoran, iniciando un inte
A stately home robbery takes an evil turn one night when a gang of young thieves are caught by the owners of the house and then hunted across the estate for the proprietor's entertainment
主人公是一个叫戴维·曼恩(丹尼斯·韦弗 Dennis Weaver 饰)的中年男人,这天他在空无一人的州际公路上独自驾车。随后一辆大卡车出现了,挡在戴维前面,他毫不客气地超过对方。而后两车在公路上互相超了对方的车,一开始戴维还气冲冲地想超过对方走在前面,后来他却发现大卡车司机像发疯一样想置他于死地。他只好停下来,在路边餐厅整顿一下准备继续上路,发现那辆形如鬼魅的大卡车停在外面,戴维甚至不知道司机是谁。随后大卡车一直追逐着戴维,他想尽办法也甩不掉这辆大卡车,他只好与这辆如影随形的卡车展开决斗……
Follows a tutor who, after being assigned an unexpected task at a mansion, finds himself struggling with the obsessions of his student, who threatens to expose his darkest secrets.